Furūq Fiqhīyyah ʽinda Ibn ʽĀbidīn fī Kitābihi Radd al-Muḥtār ʽala al-Darr al-Mukhtār [The Jurisprudence Differences According to Ibn Abdeen in His Book Radd al-Muhtar ‘ala Durr al-Mukhtar]

  • Murad Radwan Hassan AlSharif
  • Nizaita Omar
  • Zulkifly Muda
  • Ahmad Zamani Nawi
  • Mohd Sufian Moktar
  • Nabilah Ismail @ Abd Latiff
Keywords: Jurisprudence, differences, branches, Ibn Abidin


Jurisprudence Differences arose with the beginning of the emergence of Islamic Jurisprudence. This is due to the jurisprudence differences is part of the Islamic Jurisprudence and its branches; and it is possible to distinguish between similar branches. The importance of this study appears from the importance of  Jurisprudence Differences and its place in legal studies, and the great importance of this part in the fields of Islamic studies. In addition to the great benefits and effects that it entails. The Jurisprudence Differences also helps to correct the measurement when the difference is correct, or weak in preventing it; because it needs careful research and deep study. The research will be limited to the jurisprudence differences mentioned by Imam Ibn Abidin in his book Radd al-Muhtar on Durr al-Mukhtar whether he devised it himself or transmitted it from others and chose it, or transmitted it from others and remained silent about it or rejected it and responded to it. The researcher will collect similar issues In the picture and the different in the judgment, which Ibn Abidin referred to as a statement or an allusion, and studying it and explaining the reason for the difference in it. So, the method of this research is to follow the inductive method and the descriptive method. Through this research, the secrets of legislation, the purposes of revelation, the wisdom and merits of religion will be revealed, and the details of matters will be known. This study will be an encouragement  for any scholars or students who would like them to make their studies in this field.
