Amalan Gaya Hidup Sihat Ketika Pandemik Covid-19 Memenuhi Tuntutan Maqasid Al-Syariah [Healthy Lifestyle Practices During Pandemic Covid-19 Meet The Demands of Maqasid Al-Syariah]

  • Siti Zaleha Ibrahim
  • Siti Rashidah Abd Razak
  • Noraini Mohamad
  • Syamim Zakwan Rosman
Keywords: Healthy lifestyle, COVID-19, transmission, maqasid al-syariah



Peningkatan statistik kes COVID-19 hari demi hari sangat membimbangkan kerana penularan wabak ini mampu meninggalkan banyak kesan negatif kepada masyarakat. Justeru, penulisan ini mengkaji amalan gaya hidup sihat dalam mendepani wabak COVID-19 berteraskan syariah. Dalam hal ini, Islam bukan sahaja menitikberatkan penjagaan kesihatan jasmani malahan juga rohani. Aspek pemakanan, kesihatan fizikal, kesejahteraan keagamaan, kesejahteraan hubungan sosial dan kesihatan mental merupakan elemen gaya hidup yang perlu diberi perhatian bagi memastikan kesihatan diri berada pada tahap optimum. Kajian tinjauan dijalankan secara kuantitatif menggunakan borang soal selidik melibatkan masyarakat di Selangor. Dapatan kajian berbentuk deskriptif secara peratusan mendapati beberapa elemen gaya hidup sihat telah dipraktikkan. Walau bagaimanapun, masih terdapat segelintir yang kurang mengambil berat tentangnya. Oleh itu, kesedaran mengamalkan gaya hidup sihat ini perlu diterapkan dalam masyarakat kerana amalan sebegini mampu memenuhi tuntutan maqasid al-syariah.

Kata Kunci: Gaya hidup sihat, COVID-19, penularan, maqasid al-syariah



The rise in the statistic of COVID-19 cases day-to-day really concerning us. This is because the spread of this epidemic can affect society, especially in giving of negative impacts. Therefore, this writing will explore the policies of a healthy lifestyle to face the outbreak of COVID-19. As widely known, Islam emphasizes not only physical health care but also spiritual health care. The aspects of nutrition, physical health care, religious welfare, the well-being of social relationships and mental health are all the lifestyle elements that need to be focus on to ensure that our personal health is at an optimal level. This study is conducted quantitatively through a survey using a questionnaire to the community in Selangor. The findings in the form of descriptive study through percentage forms find that some elements of a healthy lifestyle have been practiced. However, there are a few groups of people who close their eyes from practicing a healthy lifestyle. The awareness of the need to practice a healthy lifestyle needs to be inculcated in society because it can satisfy the requirements of maqasid al-syariah.

Keywords: Healthy lifestyle, COVID-19, transmission, maqasid al-syariah
