Al-Imam Ibn ‘Ubayd Alla wa manhajuhu al-balaghi fi kitabuhu Bulabil al-Taghrid [Imam Ibn Ubayd Allah and His Rhetorical Approach in His Book Bulabil al-Taghrid]

  • Mohammed Hussein Ali al-Sayed Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin
  • Zulazhan Ab. Halim Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin
  • AL-Sayyed Mohamed Saleem Saleem al-Adawy Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin
Keywords: الكلمة المفتاحية: المنهج البلاغي، بلابل التغريد، الإمام ابن عبيد الله، البلاغة النبوية، الصور البيانية


The problem of the study is to identify the most important aspects of this study, namely the definition of the general believers of the scholars of the Prophet's Hadith contained in these texts of benefits and features of great rhetoric. Through this brief study, it highlights the importance and that we still need more research and studies in this area. This study highlights the rhetorical approach in the Prophet's Hadith through the analysis of the Prophetic Hadiths and poetic narratives in the book of “Twitter Bluebell” for Al-Imam Ibn Ubaydullah, after mentioning a brief summary of Al-Imam Ibn Ubaydullah, his scientific life, and the most prominent of his teachers, the relationship between this book and the sciences of Arabic language, and the statement of his methodology in this book. The goal of the study is to introduce the personality of Al-Imam Ibn Ubaydullah, and to explain his methodology of the rhetoric in the book “Twitter Bluebell”. In this study, the researcher relied on the analytical descriptive method. The researcher collected the data, information, and details about the problem, the objective of the scientific research work, and collected it from various sources and references. As a result, the personality of Al-Imam Ibn Ubaydullah was identified, and the relationship of his book “Twitter Bluebell” in the Arabic sciences was described through the clarification of many methods and graphics in the prophetic and poetic texts in this book.
