Inovasi Pengurusan Laman Sistem MyES-CDeC: Rekod Pendua bagi Isu Mendokumentasi Fail Expert Service (ES) dan Elemen Tunjang Dokumen Audit di Centre of Technology (COT) Bidang Rekabentuk Kreatif, Malaysia

Management Innovation MyES-CDeC System: Duplicate Records for Issues Documentation Expert Service (ES) Fail and Core Elements of Audit Documents at The Center of Techlology (COT) Creative Design in Malaysia

  • Maria Mohammad Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan
Keywords: COT-Centre of Technology, CDeC- Creative Design Centre


‘MyES-CDeC’ singkatan bagi ‘My Expert Service Creative Design Centre’. Kajian ini bertujuan mengkaji isu pengurusan mendokumentasi dokumen audit khidmat kepakaran dan elemen tunjang penilaian audit Centre of Technology (COT) di salah sebuah pusat reka bentuk kreatif di Malaysia. ‘Laman sistem MyES-CDeC’ ini   mendokumentasi laman sistem yang mewujudkan pangkalan  data secara maya yang  dapat dicapai daripada alamat url yang dikongsi di mana-mana dan bila-bila masa.  Kesan keberkesanan penggunaan Laman Sistem MyEs-CDeC dikaji. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan reka bentuk kajian kes. Kajian dijalankan terhadap LAPAN (8) informan yang terlibat dalam pengurusan pusat reka bentuk kreatif. Dapatan kajian dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis tematik berdasarkan tranggulasi temu bual, pemerhatian serta dokumen sokongan seperti ‘google form’, minit mesyuarat, sijil, buku panduan serta rakaman visual. Inovasi pengurusan laman sistem dibangunkan berdasarkan Buku Garis Panduan Centre of Teknology (COT) Edisi 2020  dan  Edisi 2015 serta dokumen kualiti MS ISO:2015 khidmat kepakaran yang didaftarkan. Dapatan kajian mendapati terdapat LIMA (5) isu yang dikenal pasti; pengurus dan pegawai yang sering bertukar, dokumen asal yang sering hilang, pegawai yang berkepentingan mengambil  dokumen tanpa menyimpan kembali, dokumen yang hilang perlu dibuat semula dan impak kehilangan dokumen khidmat kepakaran boleh menyebabkan pengiktirafan pusat reka bentuk kreatif ini ditarik semula pengiktirafan oleh COT. Dapatan kajian kedua terdapat TIGA (3) tema yang dikeluarkan dalam kajian ini. Tema dokumentasi menunjukkan informan bersetuju laman sistem ‘MyES-CDeC’ bersifat sistematik dan rekod pendua laman sistem ini dapat menyelamatkan dokumen asal daripada hilang. Tema capaian menunjukkan informan bersetuju laman sistem ini  dapat diberikan kepada pihak berkepentingan dengan pantas, mudah, cepat melalui carian data di hujung jari menggunakan capaian pautan Inovasi ini mengurangkan tekanan kepada pengurusan fail, dokumen tidak hilang dan mudah disemak pihak pengurusan dan pihak pelaksana. Inovasi ini juga telah diiktiraf dan berjaya meraih tempat ke tiga pertandingan inovasi National Young POLYCC Entrepreurs: Lets Make Your Pitch 2020. Pengkaji berharap agar kajian lebih terperinci dapat dijalankan untuk mengkaji tempoh penjimatan sebenar laman sistem ini agar dapat diaplikasi di COT lain di Malaysia juga negara luar..

‘MyES-CDeC’ stands for ‘My Expert Service Creative Design Centre’. This study aims to examine the management issues of documenting the audit document of expertise services and the core elements of the audit evaluation of the Center of Technology (COT) in one of the creative design centers at Malaysia. This ‘MyES-CDeC system’ documents system that creates a virtual database that can be accessed a shared url address anywhere and anytime. The effect of the effectiveness use the ‘MyEs-CDeC System’ was studied. This study uses a qualitative approach using a case study design. The study was conducted on EIGHT (8) informants involved in the management of creative design center. The findings of the study were analyzed using thematic analysis based on interview transcripts, observations and supporting documents such as 'google form', meeting minutes, certificates, handbooks and visual recordings. System management innovations are developed based on the Center of Technology (COT) Guidebook Book 2020 Edition and 2015 Edition as well as MS ISO: 2015 quality documentation of registered specialist services. The findings of the study found that there are FIVE (5) issues covered; frequently changing managers and officers, frequently lost original documents, interested officers retrieving documents without retrieving, lost documents need to be recreated and the impact of the loss of expertise service documents could result in the recognition of this creative design center being revoked by the COT. The findings of the second study contained THREE (3) themes released in this study. The documentation theme shows that the informant agreed that the ‘MyES-CDeC’ system site is systematic and the duplicate records of this system can save the original document from being lost. The access theme shows that informants agree that this system can be given to stakeholders quickly, easily, quickly through data search at their fingertips using the link access . This innovation reduces the pressure on file management, documents are not lost and easily reviewed by management and implementers. This innovation has also been recognized and successfully won the third place in the National Young POLYCC Entrepreurs: Lets Make Your Pitch 2020 innovation competition. outside..
