Al-Hatif Al-Maḥmūl Wa ʽalāqatuhu Bitaghyr Baʽda Al-Qiam Al-Ijtimāʽīyyah Laday Al-Shabāb: Dirāsat Mīdānīyyah Taṭbīqīyy [Mobile Phone and Its Relation with The Changing of Some Social Values Among Youth: A Field Study at The Faculty of Education in Janzo

  • Musbah Ali Suwayh
  • Azlan Shaiful Baharum
Keywords: Mobile Phone, Social Values, Youth, Faculty of Education, Janzour, Libya


Some sociologists, psychologists and economics, actively discussed about the topic of mobile phone. They studied its social, psychological and economic effects on members of society, especially the youth, who is the basis for societies building. The research included a sample of students from Department of Sociology, Faculty of Education in Janzour. The research sample included 60 respondents. The researcher used the descriptive approach that appropriate with the research topic. The researcher also relied on percentages and frequency tables. The results of the research show that the mobile phone has several advantages that may be useful in public life. It also has its disadvantages if it is misused among them. The research also shows that the mobile phone has a major role in changing some values among youth. Besides that, there are extraneous values to Libyan society caused by the misusage of the mobile phone. The research suggests more attention towards young people, especially the teenagers. The family members themselves must protect their children from wasting the time in unbeneficial activities.
