The Dinamisme Kewartawanan Pemertikaian dan Hubungannya dengan Keretakan Hegemoni [The Dynamism of Contentious Journalism & Its Relationship with The Fracture of Hegemony]

  • Mohd Amirul Akhbar Mohd Zulkifli Universiti Teknologi MARA
Keywords: Communication Technology, Contentious Journalism, New Journalism, Hegemony, Social Media


Contentious journalism has a long history and can be traced since the end of World War 2. This study discusses the historical aspect of contentious journalism by focusing on its evolution which was previously known as the new journalism that has challenged the mainstream perspective. The arrivals of communication technology has helped the acceleration of information and news which has strengthen the new journalism and later known as contentious journalism. In addition, this study will also analyze the relationship between contentious journalism and its contribution towards the fracture of hegemony. Overall this study used qualitative research method through historical study and content analysis through book and journal. The results showed that communication technology act as the catalyst to contentious journalism which massively spreaded through the social media. The findings also showed that the fracture of hegemony emerged due to the inability of the ruler to control the social media nowadays.
