[MS] The Involvement in Extremism Among Lower Class Citizens of Malaysia

  • Mohd Irman Mohd Abd Nasir Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin
  • Hanif Md Lateh Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4349-9847
  • Rahimah Embong Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin
  • Muhamad Azuan Khairudin Jabatan Penjara Malaysia
Keywords: Extremisme, Malaysia, lower class, leading factor


Since the tragedy of September 11, Muslims have been hit by a wave of ‘Islamic’ militant influences. These militant ideologies have spread widely and have influenced some of the Malaysian community, especially the lower classes. A field study found that arrests made by the Royal Malaysian Police from 2013 to date have reached more than 400 people. The overall catch indicates that the majority of those involved are of the lower class. To date, we do not know why they have chosen extremism as a battlefield. These factors are less deeply embedded in the academic world. This was proven by a field study with a former detainee involved in extremist activities that no other researcher had ever met to meet him. In fact, based on the literature review, academic studies have never been or are not done. It is possible that data or informants (extremists) are difficult to make into a 'heavy' study. In addition, the main objective of this study was to look at factors for the class that may be involved in extremist activities until arrested by the authorities. The literature review proves that the issue of extremism is an immature issue from its theoretical point of view. Therefore, qualitative research with exploratory study design is the right technique to use in this study. The data was collected through interviews with former detainees of the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (SOSMA), Prevention of Terrorism Act 2015 (POTA) and Prevention of Crime Act 1959 (POCA). and one official of de-radicalization Data analysis was analyzed with a manual process to explore and classify ideas, ideas, ideas, and ideas. Studies have found that the factors of lower class involvement in extremist activities are multifaceted. There are many factors, and these factors have a relationship and influence among each other.
