[MS] Pemikiran wasatiyyah dan peminggiran ekstremisme dalam konteks negara Malaysia

[Wasatiyyah Thinking and Marginalization of Extremism in The Context of Malaysia]

Keywords: wasatiyyah, factors of involvement, lower class, religous extremisme, muslim extremists


The concept of Wasatiyyah, introduced as a national platform in Malaysia, was initiated in 2010 by the then Prime Minister. In general, this concept advocates for non-extremism. Promoting the slogan and embedding the values of Wasatiyyah among Malaysian citizens is highly relevant in light of the rise of extremist groups based on religion. Records of arrests by the Royal Malaysia Police between 2013 and 2019 reached up to 400 individuals. In 2018, a total of 73 convicts involved in violent crimes were arrested under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act (SOSMA), and in 2020, this number increased to 81 individuals. Therefore, the establishment of the Wasatiyyah concept on a national level can counterbalance the factors contributing to involvement in extremist ideologies. As a result, this study aims to conduct a comparative analysis between the fundamental principles of Wasatiyyah ingrained in the Malaysian context and the factors influencing the involvement of Malaysian citizens, particularly those from the B40 group, in extremism. This qualitative study employs a content analysis approach. Data collection is conducted by referring to relevant sources on the concept of Wasatiyyah. Furthermore, data on the factors influencing involvement are obtained through interviews with former detainees and convicts detained or convicted under SOSMA, the Penal Code, the Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA), or the Prevention of Crime Act (POCA). Five former detainees and 31 convicts were interviewed. The data were triangulated using primary sources and interviews with two deradicalization panelists and a Deputy Superintendent-ranked police officer from the E8 division. The study analyzes the data thematically and ensures validity through intercoder cross-findings. Overall, the concept of Wasatiyyah is based on Islamic principles. As for the factors influencing involvement, the study identifies nine factors that serve as the basis for the involvement of the B40 group. All these factors are interconnected and require short-term and long-term preventive measures. Therefore, a comparative analysis between the proposed principles of Wasatiyyah and the findings is conducted. The mastery of Wasatiyyah principles can effectively marginalize extremism. Consequently, this study supports efforts to instill the values of Wasatiyyah across all segments of society, particularly among the B40 group, which represents the majority affected by extremist movements.
