[MS] Korelasi Kemahiran Komunikasi Interpersonal dengan Motivasi dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Asing
[The Correlation between Interpersonal Communication Skills and Motivation in Foreign Language Learning]
The effectiveness of Interpersonal Communication Skill (ICS) can produce a clear message delivered. Furthermore, it also encourages a conducive atmosphere during the process of Teaching and Learning in a foreign language learning. This survey study was designed to examine the correlation between Interpersonal Communication Skills (ICS) and Motivation of Foreign Language Learning. A total of 360 foreign language students who were randomly selected from three public universities in Terengganu were involved in this study. Research data was collected using a questionnaire adapted and modified from the instrument 'An interpersonal communication skill inventory' (ICSI) designed by Bienvenu (1971), a teamwork questionnaire by Hasril et al. (2016) and the Motivation of Foreign Language Learning by Nikita et al. (2016). Data was analysed using the "Statistical Package For The Social Science" (SPSS 25) software. Spearman's statistical test was used to answer research question and test related hypothesis. The result of the study shows that there is a moderate positive correlation coefficient between the two variables. In conclusion, there is a significant relationship between Motivation of Foreign Language Learning and Interpersonal Communication Skill.